THC Design at the Student Fair with the Cannaclub at UCLA

THC Design was proud to participate in the Student Fair with the Cannaclub at UCLA to promote our lecture series.

Students had the opportunity to explore the wealth and diversity of student-run clubs, and many were pleasantly surprised to see a cannabis company in the mix. The cannabis industry is offering a growing amount of positions in diverse fields such as plant science, marketing, business, and operations management. THC Design strives to represent the opportunities of legal cannabis as part of our ongoing commitment to education and advocacy.

Our Co-Founder and CEO, Ryan Jennemann has been hosting a five part lecture series on cultivation. From clone to harvest, he has been walking Cannaclub students through the life-cycle of the cannabis plant and providing in-depth knowledge of grow techniques. Stay tuned for full-length videos of this lecture series!

A special thank you to Maha Haq and the Cannaclub at UCLA.