Constellations was created by THC Design to give seats at the table for small cannabis businesses owned by women, there has been no event our space in our industry that has given free table space to vend products. THC Design is dedicated to outreach to the community not by sponsor dollars but by putting action in front of logo placement. Ophelia Chong was tasked by THC Design to reach out to the local and state communities with advocacy and feet on the ground, as a community liaison, she has created and supported programs for Skid Row, Veterans, women, autism, diversity, and the LGBTQ community. THC Design has put funds behind programs that affect change and support to those in need and those who need a hand up. Constellations is just one event that will lead to more in the future, the community is about everyone getting a seat at the table. The event was organized with the help of three stellar women in the cannabis event industry, Sasha Perelman and Anya Cravitz of Higher Beauty and Maya Kuppets of Plastic Palmtree providing all the event artwork.